We found ourselves in a snowy Lake Tahoe for Thanksgiving, and I’d love to share some photos before the gift guides resume this afternoon. The kids were in heaven with all of the white powder. I drove them up Tuesday afternoon and Aron joined us late Wednesday night after he got off work. Our parents—mine and Aron’s—also came up. It was a beautiful holiday, and we settled in for our longest stay at the cabin yet.

The cabin is right beside a trailhead and I love seeing how this meadow, with its raised planks, looks different in every season.

Hudson is getting to the age where we can play games now, which is so exciting. Here, the kids are just filling up the Connect 4 grid, but we played Tangoes, Uno, and got in some puzzles, too. I also showed them Charlotte’s Web for the first time.

We woke up to fresh snow our first day, and it stayed on the tress and the ground throughout our stay.

On Thanksgiving, everyone watched the Macy’s parade (the kids’ verdict: thumbs up for the balloons, thumbs down for the music on the floats) and then went sledding on a nearby hill until it was time to drive over to Northstar village.

We met Aron’s parents at the Ritz and had a delicious dinner there (which Skyler… um… lost, later) and roasted marshmallows by the slopes.

The next day was Sawyer’s 4th birthday, and he got even more love than usual.

We took walks, I watched Gilmore Girls (thoughts?) and we built a fire. One night we made our own little Thanksgiving dinner—just to get some of those favorite homemade flavors in—and lit a centerpiece that Skyler made at school. (She was thrilled!)
It’s never possible to totally relax with kids, but I think we achieved a nice mix!

On our last morning, Sunday, we woke up to nearly a foot of fresh snow. I stepped outside, to let the dog out, and couldn’t believe my eyes: first, all the snow! second, our car door had been left wide open!

We didn’t go skiing this time around, but I can’t wait! Hopefully next time!
Thank you again for the warm holiday wishes last week!
P.S. More photos on Instagram at #twopinesTahoe and the AirBnB listing for those who may be interested.