Not too long ago, Aron and I shared one of our favorite things on Joslyn’s site: in the past couple of years, I’ve come to love catching the CBS News Sunday Morning show. It’s a news magazine show, with profiles and features and op-eds. (And Mo Rocca!) Whenever Charles Osgood, in his little bow-tie, signs off with a sustained video of nature–something like dew dropping from branches with just a soundtrack of lark songs–I feel this shock (and glee) that something like this is still happening on network television.
Aron had to round this past Sunday morning, but I couldn’t wait to tell him all about the amazing lunches they’re serving up in French cafeterias. Incroyable!
Check it out!
Check it out!

I love the images of the casserole dishes arriving to the tables, the small girl emphatically making her point with her hand during her lunch, the hair-net-wearing mistress setting the children straight about what happens (and what does not happen) at the table, and the high-school chef filleting fish for his stock.