As beautiful as the snow can be (and thank you all for the wonderful comments about the photos yesterday), I can’t wait to escape to some warm weather. Aron and I are going to take off for a week in February to join my parents in Puerto Rico and then we’ll all set sail for a cruise around the Caribbean. We’re going to be on the same boat–the Celebrity Summit–as we were on two years ago, but with a different itinerary, and I’m so excited. We loved our last trip.
After the cruise, Aron and I are going to stay behind in San Juan for a couple of extra days. Everyone had such great suggestions for Montreal; any tips for our two days in San Juan? We saw a lot on our last trip, but we spent most of our time around the Old Town. I don’t think we have time to go as far as Vieques or Culebra, however. We were thinking about staying around Isla Verde or Ocean Beach–any thoughts? Did you stay at a hotel you really loved? Thanks for your suggestions!